Friday, September 8, 2006

Acting Schools For 11 Year Olds

Eine neue Regionale Fortbildung der ZFA Köln in Tbilissi

Jörg Kassner, the consultant and coordinator for Georgia and Azerbaijan has a short welcoming speech

Refoteilnehmer from Azerbaijan, Germany and Georgia, a guest at the find 34.Schule in Tbilisi

For about 10 years the REFO's (Regional training) instead of Central Agency for Schools Abroad Cologne in the South Caucasus countries. There meet 1-2 times annually replace German teachers from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, from joint projects and get to learn, to work and further education.

This year's training in September 2006, in Tbilisi with the subject creative writing in teaching German as a Foreign Language and is divided into two parts: first

A seminar of about 2 days the possible structure of a lesson in creative writing, to be jointly developed in which, as one might in evolutionary steps from writing words, phrases, sentences get more complex texts. The target texts are for the home Advertising (Baku, Batumi, Tbilisi) with possible German-speaking tourists.

second Eight free-choice workshops , planned and accompanied by federal and state program teachers on the following topics:

pictures as a writing events (Jörg Kassner and Hans Heiner Buhr)

list not yet complete

The REFO finds Rooms on the 34.Schule Tbilisi held

the seminar by Jutta Hebbeler

WARNING: Download
planning and worksheets


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