Der letzte Tag: Präsentation der Ergebnisse, Evaluation und Abschied
All workshop participants should the one today, last day of the Refo present their results, on the other the opportunity to meet all other workshop results and even (in an imaginary role as a student) to test in practical exercises.
A lesson to work with beginners of short stories.
A lesson with the focus of images to environmental issues as a writing event.
presentation and discussion of a writing lesson for the picture "Weeping Frau" von Paul Klee.
Maia zeichnet in einer Übung zur Vorbereitung des Schreibens
Evaluiert, ausgezeichnet mit Teilnehmerurkunden und kleinen Buchgeschenken, erschöpft und doch voller neuer Ideen hieß es Abschiednehmen und Heimkehren nach:
und in die verschiedensten Stadtteile von Tbilissi .
Als Leiter, Organisator, Referent, kritischer und aufmerksamer Gestalter einer jeden Phase unserer erfolgreichen Refo verdient Jörg Kassner an unqualified and sincere thanks for his professional work of all of us participants.
spontaneous Manana Mikeladze surprised with this little poem:
in school for the sixth time
Does Mr. Kassner seminar
And each time, in any case, I will attend
-am REFO seminar
makes us fun is The
very good,
Because we, the participants
Here in the school once again
learn German.
We work diligently
We are fun,
Over coffee, which is very good rush
Because the corridor no children.
Mr. Kassner, Jörg, my German friend!
Bringt Dir das Seminar die Freude ?
Wir grüßen Dich,
Wir lieben Dich,
Deine georgischen Freunde
Jörg Kassner,
unser FB/K des Transkaukasus
Friday, September 15, 2006
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Inboard Boat Diagram And Terminology
Deutsche Bundestagsabgeordnete zu Gast in unseren Workshops
Eine Delegation des Deutschen Bundestages , der Ausschuss für Kultur und Medien unter der Leitung von Stefan Reiche (SPD), ließ es sich kurz nach seiner Ankunft in Georgien nicht nehmen, unseren Workshops im Rahmen der Regionalen Fortbildung der ZfA und der 34. Öffentlichen Schule Tiflis einen gar nicht so kurzen und sehr herzlichen Besuch abzustatten.
Nanuka, Tika and Giorgi , students are now preparing the German language diploma, her research project presented the history of the Saarland-Georgian relations and reported very much alive from their recent experience as an exchange student in Germany.
Here's a quick impression:
The parliamentarians expressed their gratitude to the students and highlighted the extremely high value of the close relations between Georgia and Germany. Mr. Rich would like personally to further partnerships between Georgian and German Schools use and said that it would be very valuable to make if every young Georgians, or German, who wish it, an internship in another country could. This sounds more like distant future, but we think that the two countries and their people would win them a lot.
Reich in conversation with Nanuka, Tika and Giorgi
Members then visited the various workshops, showed very interested in the creative writing projects, while there were short and yet very nice talks with the Azerbaijani, Georgian and German teachers.
From the poetry workshop
We are so excited about your visit! Come back soon!
Eine Delegation des Deutschen Bundestages , der Ausschuss für Kultur und Medien unter der Leitung von Stefan Reiche (SPD), ließ es sich kurz nach seiner Ankunft in Georgien nicht nehmen, unseren Workshops im Rahmen der Regionalen Fortbildung der ZfA und der 34. Öffentlichen Schule Tiflis einen gar nicht so kurzen und sehr herzlichen Besuch abzustatten.
Nanuka, Tika and Giorgi , students are now preparing the German language diploma, her research project presented the history of the Saarland-Georgian relations and reported very much alive from their recent experience as an exchange student in Germany.
Here's a quick impression:
The parliamentarians expressed their gratitude to the students and highlighted the extremely high value of the close relations between Georgia and Germany. Mr. Rich would like personally to further partnerships between Georgian and German Schools use and said that it would be very valuable to make if every young Georgians, or German, who wish it, an internship in another country could. This sounds more like distant future, but we think that the two countries and their people would win them a lot.
Reich in conversation with Nanuka, Tika and Giorgi
Members then visited the various workshops, showed very interested in the creative writing projects, while there were short and yet very nice talks with the Azerbaijani, Georgian and German teachers.
From the poetry workshop
We are so excited about your visit! Come back soon!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Sidekick 09 Prepaid Rates
Workshops auf vollen Touren
The four drew lots of nice Schülerfeen 21.Schule off after your presentation about the actress Katja Riemann the 56 participants on the 7 workshops. Who was consulted from the beginning Loshut had the greatest selection, the number of participants per workshop for lack of space on eight participants begrenzt wurde.
Die Workshops werden kurz vorgestellt
Zum Superstar der Workshopleiter avancierte ohne Zweifel Volker Lüdke aus Batumi mit seinem Angebot Schreibanlässe von Kurzgeschichten.
Schon nach wenigen Minuten war sein Workshop belegt. Ebenfalls besonders begehrt waren die Angebote Auf dem neuesten Stand zur Arbeit mit authentischen Texten aus dem Internet von Jutta Hebbeler, Moderne Märchen von Ilka Hübner und Poesie als Schreibanlass von Matthias Baumann.
Am Abend fesselte uns der Film Halbe Treppe (Deutschland,2002) mit dem Schauspieler Axel Prahl in einer geschlossenen Filmveranstaltung mit einem sehr leckeren Buffet im Cafe Goethe am Goethe-Institut Tbilissi.
Ein nettes Plätzchen deutscher Kultur in Tbilissi
Der kleine Saal des Cafes ist für Kinoaufführungen per Beamer sehr gut geeignet
Sogar echte " Strawaldes " können im Cafe Goethe bewundert werden. Danke !
The four drew lots of nice Schülerfeen 21.Schule off after your presentation about the actress Katja Riemann the 56 participants on the 7 workshops. Who was consulted from the beginning Loshut had the greatest selection, the number of participants per workshop for lack of space on eight participants begrenzt wurde.
Die Workshops werden kurz vorgestellt
Zum Superstar der Workshopleiter avancierte ohne Zweifel Volker Lüdke aus Batumi mit seinem Angebot Schreibanlässe von Kurzgeschichten.
Schon nach wenigen Minuten war sein Workshop belegt. Ebenfalls besonders begehrt waren die Angebote Auf dem neuesten Stand zur Arbeit mit authentischen Texten aus dem Internet von Jutta Hebbeler, Moderne Märchen von Ilka Hübner und Poesie als Schreibanlass von Matthias Baumann.
Am Abend fesselte uns der Film Halbe Treppe (Deutschland,2002) mit dem Schauspieler Axel Prahl in einer geschlossenen Filmveranstaltung mit einem sehr leckeren Buffet im Cafe Goethe am Goethe-Institut Tbilissi.
Ein nettes Plätzchen deutscher Kultur in Tbilissi
Der kleine Saal des Cafes ist für Kinoaufführungen per Beamer sehr gut geeignet
Sogar echte " Strawaldes " können im Cafe Goethe bewundert werden. Danke !
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
What Are Yellow And Green Xanax Bars
Mozart wurde ermordet ! Projektpräsentationen von DSD-Kandidaten
Nicht alle teilnehmenden Lehrer sind auch von Sprachdiplomschulen. To them the atmosphere of the project closer to future language graduates, we asked three student teams presented their projects to prepare for oral exams to the College in short presentations of 10-15 minutes to present. Of course, there was more than 50 teachers and stage fright, but Giorgi, Giorgi and Mamuka have done well today with the first presentation to the exciting question of whether Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart died of natural causes or was brutally killed. Each of the students had made an intensive study of the sources and various conspiracy theories. Although evidence for over 200 years no longer provide, the students agreed that Mozart was murdered!
presented after the presentation, the students probing questions of the present teachers.
Nicht alle teilnehmenden Lehrer sind auch von Sprachdiplomschulen. To them the atmosphere of the project closer to future language graduates, we asked three student teams presented their projects to prepare for oral exams to the College in short presentations of 10-15 minutes to present. Of course, there was more than 50 teachers and stage fright, but Giorgi, Giorgi and Mamuka have done well today with the first presentation to the exciting question of whether Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart died of natural causes or was brutally killed. Each of the students had made an intensive study of the sources and various conspiracy theories. Although evidence for over 200 years no longer provide, the students agreed that Mozart was murdered!
presented after the presentation, the students probing questions of the present teachers.
Ross Kemp On Gangs Stream Free
Pain In Leg During Ovulation
Schaschlyk, Film und Schülerpräsentationen - Das Rahmenprogramm zur REFO
To the approximately 60 participants the opportunity know each other early on, we already planned our trip together for the afternoon of the first seminar day after Birtvissi zum Algeti-Stausee etwa 60 km südwestlich von Tbilissi. 2 Busse, 15 Schoti-Weißbrote, 10 kg Schaschlykfleisch, Tomaten, Gurken, Mineralwasser, 12 Liter Wein und ein knisterndes Feuer versetzten uns in eine entsprechende Partylaune und einige Lehrer nutzten den See trotz etwas kühlerer Temperaturen auch zum Baden.
Hier einige Fotoimpressionen:
Der Stausee bei Birtvisi
Holz fürs Lagerfeuer
Es brennt !
The excursion to Birtwissi was really great! First, the beautiful weather and scenery, a good organization. I think it's great that the tour was being planned on the first day because we immediately made new contacts. And that helps us today, lively and fun to participate in the seminars. Before, we were ashamed on the first day sometimes a little bit, but now we have no limits and a warm atmosphere. We talk to each other about everything, not just the participants themselves, even with our seminar leaders ... Personally, I have observed in
Birtwissi how to educate your children the Germans. Yesterday I learned a lot and learned. A beautiful day my "second" home country of Georgia.
PS And Schaschliki tasted very good!
Tamila Mamedova, Azerbaijan
On 11 September, the participants visited the Algetisee . They enjoyed the sun and very natural. Some even swam in the lake. Then there were the picnic, it was grilled. Here, the Refoteilnehmer got to know well. Also present were some guests from Baku. Overall, the trip was fascinating.
Tsotne Schamguia 21 School Tbilisi
In the next few days continued the program. On Wednesday evening we meet at a film screening in the garden of Cafe Goethe at the Goethe-Institut.
To the approximately 60 participants the opportunity know each other early on, we already planned our trip together for the afternoon of the first seminar day after Birtvissi zum Algeti-Stausee etwa 60 km südwestlich von Tbilissi. 2 Busse, 15 Schoti-Weißbrote, 10 kg Schaschlykfleisch, Tomaten, Gurken, Mineralwasser, 12 Liter Wein und ein knisterndes Feuer versetzten uns in eine entsprechende Partylaune und einige Lehrer nutzten den See trotz etwas kühlerer Temperaturen auch zum Baden.
Hier einige Fotoimpressionen:
Der Stausee bei Birtvisi
Holz fürs Lagerfeuer
Es brennt !
The excursion to Birtwissi was really great! First, the beautiful weather and scenery, a good organization. I think it's great that the tour was being planned on the first day because we immediately made new contacts. And that helps us today, lively and fun to participate in the seminars. Before, we were ashamed on the first day sometimes a little bit, but now we have no limits and a warm atmosphere. We talk to each other about everything, not just the participants themselves, even with our seminar leaders ... Personally, I have observed in
Birtwissi how to educate your children the Germans. Yesterday I learned a lot and learned. A beautiful day my "second" home country of Georgia.
PS And Schaschliki tasted very good!
Tamila Mamedova, Azerbaijan
On 11 September, the participants visited the Algetisee . They enjoyed the sun and very natural. Some even swam in the lake. Then there were the picnic, it was grilled. Here, the Refoteilnehmer got to know well. Also present were some guests from Baku. Overall, the trip was fascinating.
Tsotne Schamguia 21 School Tbilisi
In the next few days continued the program. On Wednesday evening we meet at a film screening in the garden of Cafe Goethe at the Goethe-Institut.
Friday, September 8, 2006
Acting Schools For 11 Year Olds
Eine neue Regionale Fortbildung der ZFA Köln in Tbilissi
Jörg Kassner, the consultant and coordinator for Georgia and Azerbaijan has a short welcoming speech
Refoteilnehmer from Azerbaijan, Germany and Georgia, a guest at the find 34.Schule in Tbilisi
For about 10 years the REFO's (Regional training) instead of Central Agency for Schools Abroad Cologne in the South Caucasus countries. There meet 1-2 times annually replace German teachers from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, from joint projects and get to learn, to work and further education.
This year's training in September 2006, in Tbilisi with the subject creative writing in teaching German as a Foreign Language and is divided into two parts: first
A seminar of about 2 days the possible structure of a lesson in creative writing, to be jointly developed in which, as one might in evolutionary steps from writing words, phrases, sentences get more complex texts. The target texts are for the home Advertising (Baku, Batumi, Tbilisi) with possible German-speaking tourists.
second Eight free-choice workshops , planned and accompanied by federal and state program teachers on the following topics:
pictures as a writing events (Jörg Kassner and Hans Heiner Buhr)
list not yet complete
The REFO finds Rooms on the 34.Schule Tbilisi held
the seminar by Jutta Hebbeler
WARNING: Download
planning and worksheets here
Jörg Kassner, the consultant and coordinator for Georgia and Azerbaijan has a short welcoming speech
Refoteilnehmer from Azerbaijan, Germany and Georgia, a guest at the find 34.Schule in Tbilisi
For about 10 years the REFO's (Regional training) instead of Central Agency for Schools Abroad Cologne in the South Caucasus countries. There meet 1-2 times annually replace German teachers from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, from joint projects and get to learn, to work and further education.
This year's training in September 2006, in Tbilisi with the subject creative writing in teaching German as a Foreign Language and is divided into two parts: first
A seminar of about 2 days the possible structure of a lesson in creative writing, to be jointly developed in which, as one might in evolutionary steps from writing words, phrases, sentences get more complex texts. The target texts are for the home Advertising (Baku, Batumi, Tbilisi) with possible German-speaking tourists.
second Eight free-choice workshops , planned and accompanied by federal and state program teachers on the following topics:
pictures as a writing events (Jörg Kassner and Hans Heiner Buhr)
list not yet complete
The REFO finds Rooms on the 34.Schule Tbilisi held
the seminar by Jutta Hebbeler
WARNING: Download
planning and worksheets here
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